Building a Foundation of Lifelong Learning


Infant       2 months – 15 months 
Toddler 1   15 months – 2 years
Toddler 2   2 years – 2.9 years
Preschool 1      2.9 years – 4 years
Pre-K            4 – 5 years (4 by August 31)

We are confident our classrooms have been designed with functionality and fun in mind. 
Our babies will have a warm cozy environment. We will kick off our shoes and put on our slippers and settle into a day of nurturing, and respecting the individual needs of your little one.

Our Toddler Classrooms will have teachers observing and responding to your young child’s natural interest to develop physical coordination and care of themselves. (“Me Do”) 

In the  Preschool/Pre-K Classrooms materials are easily accessible and children are free to make discoveries. Teachers follow the children’s lead and then introduce new and exciting activities to sustain their interests and deepen their exploration.  The program will offer exciting enrichment opportunities throughout the year.

Infant Room Program Goals
•  Care for each infant in a warm, affectionate way that lets each child know he/she is a special person.
•  Meet each child’s physical and emotional needs.
•  Maintain strict sanitation procedures that are adhered to faithfully.
•  Create a classroom environment that offers opportunities for exploring, learning and interacting. 
•  Stimulate the senses; recognize that infants learn through the use of their eyes, ears, fingers, sense of taste and smell.
•  Engage in one-to-one interactions between teachers and children daily.
•  Provide a variety of activities that aid in the development of cognitive, motor and language skills, as well as in an
awareness of the environment.
•  Encourage independence and risk-taking.
•  Provide rich, accurate representation about gender, race, culture, age, and physical abilities.
•  Achieve individual developmentally appropriate routines.

Toddler Program
For Young Toddlers:
•  Provide a loving, caring, atmosphere where affection is shown to each child.
•  Instill in each child a feeling of autonomy and positive self-concept.
•  Provide a joyous, enthusiastic and spontaneous environment.
•  Meet each child’s physical needs. 
•  Establish the foundation of respect for equipment and space.
•  Establish the foundation of respect for others, encouraging social development.
•  Provide ample opportunities for the development of fine and gross motor skills.
•  Use a variety of activities that encourage language, and social interactions.
•  Support and encourage a child as they experiment with a variety of art materials, music, movement and dramatic play
opportunities, and manipulative activities.
•  Develop self-help skills in order to create independence and confidence in each child.
•  Encourage sound health, safety, and nutritional practices
•  Respect each child’s developmental needs.

For older toddlers, goals include #1-12 and:
•  Become aware of the natural world and its inhabitants.
•  Provide a variety of activities within a routine to encourage and support cooperative play.
•  Provide exposure to the community and the outside world through experiences with people and events.
•  Foster a love and enjoyment of literature through books and stories told and read by teachers and 
by maintaining a print-rich environment.
•  Provide rich, accurate representations about gender, race, culture, age and physical abilities. 

Preschool/Pre-K Program
•  Provide a loving, caring, and safe atmosphere where affection is shown to each child.
•  Instill in each child a feeling of independence and self-discipline by allowing choices and exploration.
•  Provide a joyous, enthusiastic, creative and accepting environment in which children can guide themselves through work and
•  Meet each child’s physical needs while encouraging independence in self-care.
•  Teach and show by example respect for equipment and space. Teach and show by example respect for 
others and encourage social development through a sense of caring and sensitivity toward others.
•  To allow the natural pace of individual and group learning to emerge.
•  Provide ample opportunities to develop gross motor skills that allow children to use their bodies in active ways, 
both indoors and outdoors.
•  Use a variety of activities that encourage language and social interactions.
•  Support children as they experiment with a variety of art materials, science, music, movement, dramatic 
play opportunities, and manipulative activities.
•  Develop self-help skills in order to create independence and confidence in each child.
•  Promote curiosity and intellectual growth in each child.
•  Provide a variety of activities to encourage and support cooperative play.
•  Encourage and demonstrate sound health, safety, and nutritional practices.
•  Provide an atmosphere where children can discover, explore, and learn independently.
•  To inspire children to be authors, inventors, illustrators, designers, dancers, singers, etc. and to celebrate 
their unique talents and abilities
•  Provide accurate representations about gender, race, culture, age and physical ability. To honor and welcome all children

The curriculum in our new Pre-K classroom will build on what children already know and it will enable them to connect to new concepts and skills in preparation of kindergarten.  Topics of interest will be taught across all areas of the core curriculum, including language arts, reading, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts.   There will be a balance of classroom activities that are both teacher-directed and child-initiated.

Summer Program
Our infants, toddlers, preschool and pre-k children will enjoy a fun and enriching summer program. It features Art, Spanish, Science Exploration, Music, Yoga, Water Play, Outdoor Activities, and Enrichment Programs to enhance our Emerging Curriculum. Enrichment Programs include: The Rainforest Reptiles, The Tumble Bus, and High Touch High Tech Science. 

Enrichment Programs
Art- Bi-weekly
Singalingo Spanish Program- bi-weekly 
Animal Craze
Soccer Shots
Drumlin Farms
Dr.Mickey Dental Visit
Community Helpers 

Teachable Moments Childhood Program
Indepth Learning Inspired by Children and Embraced by Teachers.